Our Story
Founders Note
Tukalime was founded in 2015 and incorporated in 2017 with an aim of ensuring that we reverse the tide of urbanization that was rendering a lot of productive land idle. With baby boomers getting older and the youth not embracing farming as an attractive profession, Kenya and its sub-Saharan neighbours are staring at a real food security issue.
Tukalime wants to play its part in assisting individuals and groups, to engage in Agriculture to earn from this humble and noble venture, and to also plug into the food security deficit. Africa’s population is set to double in the next 30 years and Africa has to feed its children hence agriculture will need to play a big role in our lives.
Furthermore, with Ksh 45 spent on food for every Ksh 100 and with Marikiti transacting 500million shillings a day in trade, why not get into Agriculture? Twendeni Tukalime.
Our Vision
To be a leader in the production of food and industrial crops in Africa and beyond .
Our Mission
To create wealth through Agriculture one acre at a time.